Sunday, April 18, 2010

how to clean a microwave.

Cleaning Tip #4:
Let's be honest here, cleaning the microwave can be a daunting task.
It's awkward, smelly, gross and so dang hard to get those splatters off of every inch of those 6 walls. I have found a few ways that have worked for me and I would like to share with the rest of the class.

the FIRST way goes as follows:
1. Fill a microwave safe bowl hall full with water and add a tablespoon of vinegar to the bowl.
2. Place bowl in microwave and turn it on for 5 minutes. (This is to heat up the mixture and steam the walls of the microwave and loosen up the gunk inside.)
3. Once finished, take out the bowl and wipe off the walls with a paper towel or a sponge.

the SECOND way:
1. Cut a lemon in half and place the halves cut side down on a microwaveable plate with a tablespoon of water.
2. Turn on the microwave for a minute or until the lemon is hot and the inside of the microwave is steamy.
3. Wipe down the inside of the walls with a paper towel or a sponge.

See? Easy as PIE! (Except pie is not easy for me... so... I guess easy as cutting a lemon in half.)

Both of these ways have proved to be really effective and not to mention eco friendly!

Happy cleaning!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

first timer.

Today I cleaned my first house.
Well, apartment.
We will see what improvements need to be made, and if word will get out about how awesome my cleaning jobs are.
Prices are negotiable for the moment but here are my going rates:

I can charge by room:
kitchen $20
living room $17
bedrooms $15
bathrooms $17

OR I can charge hourly $15-$25 hourly (like I said, negotiable)

or for student housing: $50/hr (can be split amongst the roommates)

OR a flat rate of $100

I am open for suggestions and negotiations.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Cleaning tip #3:
I looooooove microfiber.
It takes the streaks off of any surface.
It absorbs better than a sponge.
It dusts like a dream.
I use it to clean the face of my iPhone.
I use it to clean the interior of my car.
It takes off all fingerprints.
It can shine my shoes.
And the greatest part is when you're done, you don't throw it away, you throw it in the wash.
Eco-friendly and AMAZING.
I recommend stocking up. It's worth the extra cashola. They last a lifetime.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


cleaning tip #3:

Comet Cleanser.
This age-old cleanser has been used in households across the nation since the 1960's!
It is a staple in my cleaner repertoire.
I use it to clean my sinks (kitchen and bathroom), the tub and the shower floor. I even use it in the toilet if I am out of toilet cleaner.
It is a lifesaver and I love to use it because it disinfects as it scrubs and doesn't scratch any surfaces!
You can even get the liquid cleaner for counter tops and other surfaces. (My mom's little disinfecting trick.)
This stuff is found at pretty much any grocery or drug store and is like, dirt cheap. I'm talking $1.50 max.


cleaning tip #2:
Pledge Multi Surface cleaner.
This stuff is magic.
You can use it on glass and mirrors, wood, stainless steel-including appliances, plastics.
You name the surface, it cleans it.
I am a huge fan of the pledge dusting spray because it keeps my furniture dust-free and shiny.
This stuff does the trick without all the other cleaners.
Talk about the ultimate multi-tasking cleaner.
For a quick and easy clean-up, I recommend this stuff.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Cleaning Tip #1:

Everyone knows this stuff. Not everyone uses it.
I am a major fan of oxiclean. I use it on every stain.
I use it in every load. It really does its job.
It doesn't wear on my clothes and takes out stains that even bleach could not get out.
For reals people, this stuff is what I call the "real deal."
Find some great deal saving coupons HERE.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Own Cleaning Service

Hello! I have decided to start my own cleaning service!
Check out my flyer!

(Click to enlarge)

Whistle While You Work

Here is my new bloggy blog.

You may have guessed this is a cleaning blog.

Here you can find my services, tips and coupons.
